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Letter Writing Prompt - Halloween

Each month we share a letter writing prompt to encourage you to put pen to paper more often.

A little suggestion of what you could write about, to get your creative juices flowing, and allow you to enjoy a relaxing mindful moment of writing.

October brings the arrival cosy season. From bubbling brews, to candlelit dinners, crunchy walks, and flickering lanterns.

Halloween is the perfect time to get creative! There are pumpkins to be carved, decorations to be hung, paper ghosts to be cut, and gruesome greetings to be wished. The stationery draw has never been so busy.

And with pen and paper, the opportunities are endless. Perhaps you could create some invitations for a midnight feast with friends? Or send out some mail inviting family over for a spooky film night? Or make some blood-curdling cocktails and label each one with their appropriately worrying warnings? You could write to a childhood friend, and recount your memories of trick or treating, or your first big scare on this night?

Whatever you do, make sure it’s wonderfully wicked.

Happy haunting!

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