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Letter Writing Prompt - Postcards

Each month we share a letter writing prompt to encourage you to put pen to paper more often.

A little suggestion of what you could write about, to get your creative juices flowing, and allow you to enjoy a relaxing mindful moment of writing.


The warm, sticky days have arrived and brought with them the hum of bees buzzing in the flowers, and the rustle of long grass and wildflowers in the gentle summer breeze. It’s time to pause, just for a moment, to appreciate the magic whilst it’s with us.

With the summer holidays well and truly here and marking the end of a school year, there is a longing to break our daily routines and rhythms and escape to somewhere new, with adventure or relaxation the goal.

Travel allows the mind to refresh and expand, leaving us re-energised and full of ideas when we return home. It’s a time to experience something different, make memories with loved ones and let ourselves reset. It also offers an opportune moment to write, and so your letter writing prompt this month is postcards.

Originally a tradition started in the early 20th century, postcards are still an ever popular and simple way to reach out to someone you’re thinking of. They’re relatively inexpensive to buy, and are a lovely keepsake of a happy occasion. With only enough space for a few short words, these cards are always to the point and sweet to receive. 

You needn’t be travelling abroad or far away to make the most of postcard season – perhaps you’ve visited a local museum in your town for the first time and learned something new, or maybe you went on a day trip to the seaside that made you think of a friend? There’s lots of excuses to pick up a postcard at a gift shop and make someone’s mail day by receiving something unexpected in their letterbox.

Wishing you happy travels!

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