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Letters to Love - 'Say hello to Dobby and Snayp and Hedwig'

London Letters - Dear Albus Dumbeldore

Letter to Albus Dumbledore from Daniel, aged 6.

I grew up reading Harry Potter and like so many others my age, it filled up my heart with a love I cannot truly express in words. 

I was roughly the same age as Harry when I first read The Philosopher's Stone and so it felt like we all grew up together. Queueing up to receive the next instalment and then manically rushing to finish the book before hearing any spoilers was a time of life I'll never forget.

I had not appreciated until I saw this letter, how wonderful it would be to be a child and believe it all to be real. 

It stole my heart to read it and I wanted to share it. I wish I'd written to all my favourite storybook characters now.

For me, reading is pure escapism and something I'll turn to whatever mood I'm in. Snuggled up with a hot cup of tea and a good book is a pastime I'll never tire of. 


(P.S. I also can't wait for my letter from Hogwarts to arrive.)


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