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We have a PO Box!

It's been something on my to-do list since launching the company, and now that we're settled into our new studios, the time was finally right to set up our PO Box.

I love getting to know our customers and doing so by letter just seemed like the obvious way to do so.

So if you have any anecdotes, questions, would like to practice your calligraphy or just simply have an excuse to write another letter then please do get in touch. Our address is:

London Letters Postbox
PO Box 1659

Whilst I'm not able to become your pen pal, I do promise to write back. My timelines may be a little lengthy, so please don't feel deflated if you don't receive something immediately, but I promise your letter will be added to my snail mail list whenever I find a quiet moment to scribble some thoughts to you. Just remember to include your address!

Yours in letters,

Jenny x

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